Tuesday, June 29, 2010

yellow and blue

Cousin Elita made these tiny paper ladies to go along with her chocolate packs to give away at her birthday.
These sweethearts are two citizens of her dreamy little craft kingdom living in the corner of her home.

Speaking of birthdays and crafts, happy birthday dear Irma. Wish you yer own dreamy craft corner in yer home, sooner than soon!


  1. walaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh
    lucu amaaaaaaaaaat
    si amat aja ga lucu

  2. kawaiiiiii XD ih rajin banget ini dibikin manual satu-satu? *pengsan*

  3. si amat kan jadi lurah taon lalu, makanya taon ini ga bole ikutan bulutangkis mak.

    hihihi spertinya bigitu cecil, tangannya kerajinan bener, dirumenye pinuh tuh satu pojokan berisi maenan cem macem ramen dan sushi dan rujak dan bento dan boneka berukuran super mini ^o^
