Saturday, June 19, 2010

"the sun is up, the sky is blue. it's beautiful, and so are you."

I know you're nineteen already, but I still see you like my little sweetie baby here...

Happy birthday little sis. May you find those sunshiny bits that you dream of in life.
I looooove you, and do tell if you need me to kick anybody's ass for you once in a while!
Don't mess with my little sis, punks!!! *duck fist

*playing: Dear Prudence - The Beatles


  1. wohohohoho tengss tengss popop....
    imih sukaa ituu design nyaa hhe ud pass koo...
    hohoho love u moree dear sist ^3^
    jgn lupa plg yaa hehehe oleh2nya mah apah ajjjahh yupphh
    muumuumuuwaahh :P :)

  2. nyahahaha iyah minggu depan yah aku pulangnyah!
    horeee maw pesta puyunghaii! :))
    *cup cup mwah

  3. hihihih so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
