Tuesday, March 8, 2011

j'adore mod cloth vol.03

It's a very oh sleepy 3.30 pm. My coffee's been lying to me, she's not keeping me awake at all. So what else can flirt my eyes to open wide than a little Mod Cloth eye-candy peeping. O la la, they make me { wanna be } girly this bloody Tuesday…

{ baklava beauty dress }

{ champagne fountain dress }

{ cheek to chic dress }

{ dance of swans dress }

{ fit to print dress }

{ in line with style dress }

{ spinning pinwheels dress }

{ the rehearsal dress }

{ tie expectations dress }

{ twirling temptress dress }

*playing: La Madrague - Brigitte Bardot


  1. weee kepengen hahaha...
    maunya bli ini bli itu, semuanya mau...

  2. ayo neeng bikin dooong, nanti saya mau beliiii! :"D

  3. didoaken ya neng mudah-mudahan nonggol di toko :D

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