Monday, September 6, 2010

the walrus and the dancer

It's the end of the world in a Tuesday night. It's a dry spell on heaven and hell with no food left to bite. Only two left on the table, the walrus and the dancer. With a gun to decide sooner than cancer. The answer is there in their Russian roulette. Whose fate will replace the main course's fillet.

{ a drawing for Cecil }

[ pencil + photoshop ]


  1. ah keduluan ngepost XD
    Makasi Popoppp ai lop lop lop! :D *doing an even hotter butt dance* \(^o^)/
    lo bisaan aja lagi ngarang ceritanya :D Eh gambar2nya dibukuin dong Pop...jadi morbid nursery rhymes gitu :D hehehe

    hihihi masi dilurusin ni gambarnya...ditimpa buku-buku gituh...uh pengen ngelipet muka kurirnya rasanya...grrrr :( sebel :(

  2. ayayaya sama samaaa! x"D
    huwahahaha iya itu masup list citacita mendatang, bikin buku ocehan ga penting hihihihi!

    huh kurang ajar itu tiki! cecil, nanti gwa kirimin lagi deh yg baru yaaa :"D

  3. eeeh gak usah Pokkk :D ntar ajah kalo ketemuan lagi aku minta dibikinin lagi *huahahaha lebih gak tau diri* :))
    bener gpp Pok ah repot ajeee XD

  4. woooooooowwwwwwwww
    keyen keyen keyen bgt mastaaaaaaaaaa
    *memandang cecil dgn iri*

  5. huahahahaha iya nanti gwa bikinin lagi yah cecil, mogamoga bisa lebi bagos ekekekeke :"D

    ayayaya trimakasi maaak!
    *guling guling*

  6. *melambai-lambaikan gambar di depan Yola sambil uget-uget menyebalkan* hihihi yuk yuk Yolipok kapan2 kita tukeran juga :D
