Monday, September 6, 2010

her lollipop-colored work of art

Last month's Kamar's Bukan Bazaar was not only fun, but also full of surprises! I finally met Cecil, and got this aweeesome artwork she made for me! For me! For me! For me! *doing the butt dance*

The colors are oh so beautiful, even more than these photos can show. And she also wrote a lyric along with it:
"One lazy afternoon, Miss Tatiana taught her pet owl how to dance polka, while resting on her lollipop-colored sofa."

I wish I can really have that lollipop-colored sofa like you drew! And the owl! And the hair! And the blushing cheeks! And...and...and...

{ photos by O }

Thank you so much Cecil! This is sooo beautiful! I looove it a lot lot lot! :")


  1. nyaaaaa kalo dipratiin kan cacatnya banyak banget Pokkk *ngumpet*

  2. ah gak kiliatan! pokonya baguuuuuuusss!
    *guling guling*

  3. ini jg keyeeeeeenn arrrghhh
    *memandang pok dgn iri*

  4. iyaaa si cecil gelo...mewarnanya gelo!
    *memandang cecil dgn klilipan*
